Demo Blog


by wenn on Thursday, June 25, 2009 , , , ,

a short and simple word
in reality? no
it's not simple
even "hard" is not enough to describe it
maybe to some people, it's a boring subject
to others, maybe it's a subject to score
but not to me
i don't think it's boring
but still
i can't score high marks
because i'm stupid
that's why........

numbers, numbers, numbers.........
who invented math anyway?
i don't know if i should say thanks or curse him/her

these few days, i can't seem to get away from maths
numbers, numbers, numbers.......
that's all in my mind
i still have so many exercise to do
teacher just gave us previous years test question
UEC Math- 1999~2008
PMR Math- 2005~2008
14 sets............
560 question and that doesn't include subjective
i'm going to be dead

100 or so days to the big day
still can't find the impetus to study
i feel like i've left the other subjects like english, science, physcis........
out in the cold
and if they catch a cold
i don't know what should i do..........
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