Demo Blog


by wenn on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 ,

well, this so-called special occasion came and past
nothing happened
did open the presents from suit yin& wan wen
a notebook ^^
a jar of stars (must have used up a lot of time)
wishes from friends
let's start from the first one
wenyee, always the first one =)
kelvin, missed it by that much
suit yin, thanks for the notebook, love it
yuning, still dreaming while she sent me that sms t
hought i was at school for tuition == but still thanks
zhaiyun, thanks for remembering =)
lala, always the artistic one
wan wen, ^^
and all my friends from taekwondo class t
hanks for the song
well, that's about it
thanks for all the wishes and presents

here's some pictures of the presents i've received

thanks, wen yee. Best friend forever ^^

Kitaro's from Kelvin

notebook from suit yin =)

wen yee......

all the presents from friends....
thanks again

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