Demo Blog

by wenn on Saturday, July 30, 2011

No matter how intense the hatred is.
3 years of memories
How could I ever forget?

It's easy, saying I want to leave.
But now, as the year's coming to an end
I realised that I don't really want to leave
Distance doesn't affect?
Just over a few months and I've already noticed the growing gap
You're all my precious treasures
I don't want to lose any of you.

I really do need someone to convince me to give up
Or better, someone that could give me a million
There's too much to think about.
Too many paths to consider
I'm not even seventeen yet.
Why can't I just leave it to the adults?

August is coming. Again.
Growing up has its excitement and surprises
But every once in a while
I would wish I'm still that naive little kid
Reading my own little fairy tale
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