Demo Blog

by wenn on Monday, August 23, 2010

21/8 started like a normal saturday, except that school ended after 2 hours. Well, what do you expect? Outing, again. KLCC. Kinokuniya, zora and zy kinda went mad over a japanese graphic book. Tekkon Kinkreet, I think. Oh, the trio's been missing ever since. Lunch time, at Mdm Kwan's. Then, came the cake, strawberry cheese to be exact, followed by the song. And then, thanks to my big mouth, zora& zy bought The Dreamer, a very costly book. I mean very. Fast forward. Zy and zora went back. Then Godiva Chocolate Truffles, Kel, the 2nd time. Well, someone's wallet's on fire. Then again, maybe not.

Anyways, thanks to each and everyone of you, for the early celebration and the presents. It's really a great day.

23/8 celebrated SuitYin's big day. Chocolate moist from LihJiun's sis. Aside from physics, the day's been great. Got back home, lost in the world of music ever since. Wondering what would happen when the clock strikes twelve. Wondering if you would still do as you've promised.
Well. You didn't. Twisted fate.
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